It’s Catching (2)

‘A mirror reflects a man’s face, but what he is really like is shown by the kind of friends he chooses.’ Proverbs 27:19 TLB The kind of person you are is reflected in the friends you pick. So if your life is unproductive and stagnant, look at the people you’ve...

It’s catching (1)

‘Bad company corrupts good character.’ 1 Corinthians 15:33 NIV You can catch a cold or the flu from others, did you know you can also catch attitudes? ‘Bad company corrupts good character.’ Researchers call it ‘emotional contagion’, and it affects every aspect of life...

Settle Only For The Best

‘Play skilfully on the harp.’ Psalm 33:3 NLT To ‘play skilfully’ means to do it well and strive for excellence when it comes to your God-given talents. One author puts it this way: ‘There’s a remarkable difference between 99% and 100% commitment. At 100% you see your...

Be Realistic About Your Abilities

‘Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves.’ Romans 12:3 NLT God told Moses, ‘I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring My people, the Israelites, out of Egypt.’ (Exodus 3:10 NIV) But instead of thinking, ‘What an honour,’ Moses replied, ‘Who am I to lead the people?’...

Bigger than just PNG

Did you know we are part of a much larger ministry family? UCB PNG has a sister ministry – UCB Solomon Islands. This week we had the privilege of meeting Taeasi, one of the Board members from UCB Solomon Islands. She was passing through Wewak on her way home...