‘…teach them to your children…’ Deuteronomy 4:9 NKJV Being a parent is a privilege, so you must convince your children that they’re more important to you than your career success or acquiring ‘things’. Never miss a chance to tell them you love them. Be... ‘I have given you authority…to overcome…the enemy…’ Luke 10:19 NIV Has Satan singled you out for attack? Are you wondering, ‘Why would he even bother with someone like me?’ The answer is—influence. Job’s influence was a constant irritant to Satan. One day God... ‘He will sit as a refiner…of silver…’ Malachi 3:3 NIV It’s hard watching someone you love going through the refiner’s fire, but it’s the only way to get pure silver. It’s hard watching the refiner turn up the heat until all the scum rises, so every impurity can... ‘…God has made me laugh…’ Genesis 21:6 NKJV Sarah laughed twice. The first time it was in unbelief because God had promised her a child in her old age. The second time it was with joy because God had fulfilled His promise. But between these two events she... ‘He guides the humble in what is right…’ Psalm 25:9 NIV Did you hear about the old lady who earned a living by selling her goods beside the road? Each day when she came to a certain intersection she would toss a stick up into the air. Whichever way the stick...