Need some encouragement today? Read and meditate on these words and pray them to our Lord. Let nothing disturb you Let nothing frighten you Those who cling to God will lack nothing Let nothing disturb you Let nothing frighten you God alone is enough! Amen “Trust in... A 4 year old boy from the West New Britain province is Papua New Guinea’s latest case of COVID-19, bringing the national count to 600. While the boy wasn’t displaying any symptoms he was tested because he was in close contact with another person who had... The latest statistics (17 June 2020) from the World Health Organization’s report To all mama na papa na MSMEs nationwide, lets work; Firstly, we need face masks all over our country. Children will need to wear masks as they go back to school and for rest of us as we live with COVID-19. Face masks and gloves will be required in schools, in... Last night our Prime Minister James Marape confirmed that a second case of COVID-19 has been detected in PNG. A 40 year old woman from the East New Britain province was admitted to hospital late last month and testing has now come back positive for COVID-19. She is... Good evening PNG, Today we living in an environment of insecurities due to corona virus. The virus is moved when people move from place to place. The world and our next door neighbors have greater number of infected persons and our weak health care systems, government...