Seeing God’s Calling in our work

Seeing God’s Calling in our work

Here is a testimony from Lepani about seeing God’s calling in his work and how God opened the right doors for him to be connected with a local Church in the Solomon Islands. Greetings in Jesus Name from the Hapi (Happy) Isles, Solomon Islands. It is with great...

“Embracing My Past Helps me Share About Jesus”—Jesse

By: yesHEis Jesse is a life coach—passionate about skateboarding and Jesus. We talked to him about his story and how he uses his past to change people’s future… Jesse: “So, growing up out in Western Sydney (Australia) was a bit rough. After going through a...
Living in Purpose

Living in Purpose

By Author: Sabrina Peters When you hear the term ‘purpose’, what words come to mind? Success? Happiness? Meaning? Wealth? Marriage? Influence? Affluence? Talent? Relationships? As a Christian, I find my answer in God’s Word. Romans 12:1-2 (TM) puts it like this, “So,...