The Importance of Good Communication
Here’s a bit of time-tested wisdom to help you get the results you want in life: become a good communicator. Whether you lead in the church, the workplace, or the home, you must take the time to communicate clearly with people in order to succeed. One of the things virtually every employee wishes he or she had with superiors is better communication. Unfortunately, when those employees become managers, they forget to communicate with those they manage. This isn’t the case of Sally Frame Kasaks, the former CEO of the Ann Taylor clothing store franchise. She placed a new emphasis on quality products and on ‘more and better communication with employees at all levels’. Within a year, sales rose over 30%.
Other successful executives have seen the importance of relationship when it comes to business operations. Some have instructed their managers to change internal company strategy to emphasise three things:
(1) Open doors. So leaders become more accessible to employees.
(2) Visibility. Making sure leaders spend a significant amount of time ‘just talking with their people’.
(3) Sharing information through a daily newsletter and frequent open meetings with employees. The resulting difference in productivity can astound the business world. When you’re at the top, always remember the issues that are important to those below you. Why? Because no matter how great your vision may be, without the cooperation and commitment of those below you, your vision will never be fulfilled.
Paul, who was a great communicator, wrote, ‘Teach these truths to other trustworthy people who will be able to pass them on to others.’