How To Solve Problems (2)

‘The Lord is my strength and my shield.’ Psalm 28:7 NKJV Second, you must identify the real problem. Sometimes a doctor can cure you, other times they prescribe medication enabling you to live more comfortably with your problem. But first they have to diagnose what’s...

How To Solve Problems (1)

‘The people became very discouraged on the way.’ Numbers 21:4 NKJV To reach the Promised Land the Israelites had to ‘go around the land of Edom.’ (Numbers 21:4 NKJV) This made their journey much longer, and ‘the people became very discouraged on the way.’ There’s a...

When The Family Shatters

‘Forgive as the Lord forgave you.’ Colossians 3:13 NIV When divorce shatters your famili, how can you help your pikininis? First, stop talking about who doesn’t accept them, and surround them with people who do. As a parent your love can go a long way towards...

Always Be Honest

‘Don’t lie to each other.’ Colossians 3:9 NLT Try to answer the following questions honestly. Would you lie in order to get yourself out of a jam? Impress someone? Avoid dealing with the consequences of your actions? Well, how did you do? In a major survey in the USA...

Get Some Rest

‘Come with Me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.’ Mark 6:31 NIV Why did Jesus take time out to rest? So that when He worked, He’d be at His best. And today He wants you to know that if you don’t take a break, you won’t get one. He wants you to survive...