Remembering Our Queen

21 April 1926 8 September 2022Her Royal Highness Queen Elizabeth

The Queen was the longest serving monarch in British history and the news of her death has been received with great sadness. She has served as Head of State for our nation for over 70 years.

Throughout her life, the Queen has always spoken openly about her strong faith and how this has helped guide and sustain her. Many people have been greatly blessed and encouraged by The Queen’s willingness to share her faith so publicly, and now, we share in her family’s and our nation’s grief at the passing of this great lady of passion and faith.

One constant feature across the decades was the Queen’s Christmas message. Continuing her grandfather’s innovation of an inspiring broadcast to the public, she annually addressed her personal greetings to a global audience. Her messages reflected both her public concern for the nations that made up the Commonwealth as well as her private faith.

Visit to Papua New Guinea

The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh and The Princess Royal visited Papua New Guinea in 1974, and Her Majesty and His Royal Highness returned for the Silver Jubilee in 1977, arriving in the capital Port Moresby, and later visiting Popondetta and Alotau. They returned again in 1982.

Please join us in praying for the Queen’s family at this time. They have lost a mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, and friend.  Join us in thanking God for her life and for her faith.

As we see many tributes being made to her life let us remember and pray the words of Jesus in Matthew 5 when He said

‘Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted’.

We know that in times of loss and grief, the Lord is the Great Comforter, and He sustains everyone who turn to Him.


The Word for Today for 2022

The Word for Today for 2022 is out and available from us and the usual outlets around Wewak and across PNG.

Do you have your copy yet?

We’d love to hear how you are finding it. please let us know.


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Great First Day

Great First Day

We had a fantastic first day to Laifaton.

The official opening was conducted by the Deputy Governor of ESP, Hon: David Kausik. Many other church leaders were present to celebrate all the good things God is doing and pray over our ministry.

All our announcers and visitors got together for a photo out on our front lawn.

We are looking forward to sharing many encouraging stories of lives changed over this coming days.

Click here to find out how you can join us and support Laif FM, UCB Inspirational and The Word for Today here in PNG.

The Word for Today for 2021

Our team have been busy getting the 2021 edition of The Word for Today out to all our supporters.

But if you haven’t got a copy yet you’d better hurry.  We are not far off running out so make sure you get in touch with Julie at the station today.

What Can We Learn From the Persecuted Church?

While how we attend church on a weekly basis is looking a little different during the Coronavirus crisis, there are some amazing organisations out there helping people make it easier for Christians to fellowship together in small groups in homes.

While Christians in Australia aren’t being forced into lockdown out of persecution, Open Doors CEO Mike Gore shared on Vision Christian Radio that there is actually a lot we can learn from the persecuted Church who have been operating in House Churches for decades.

“The funny thing is that we often say that the persecuted nations meet in homes. But the reality is that it’s part of the normal mechanics and rhythms of church in those nations.  It’s not as if they go ‘because we’re persecuted we have to do this’, they’re not even used to centralised fellowship gatherings.”

Mike Gore
Mike Gore, CEO of Open Doors Australia

Mike shares that Open Doors has a heart not only to support Christians in persecuted countries, but also to help the Church in Australia navigate this new way of fellowshipping which may last for as long as 12 months.

Open Doors has created a set of free weekly downloadable resources for people who want to run House Churches in their homes.

“The resources are really created to help Pastors.  They’re not to be a para-church or something separate.  The reality is, that I believe looking over the next twelve months, if I put myself in the shoes of a Pastor – one of the hardest things is just going to be keeping the Church community together and doing pastoral services.”

“So what we’re trying to do is to take the worry out of creating content on a weekly basis, giving them something they can hopefully rely on.”

“We’re not making it all about the persecuted Church every week.  We’re trying to learn from them as mentors.  But we’re also not trying to undermine or undercut Church leadership, we really want to be complimentative to help all of us get through this next season.”

For more information and to sign up for these free house church resources, visit the House Church by Open Doors website.

Preaching to Empty Auditoriums

Pastor Jeff Vines shares his perspective on what it’s like to preach to an empty auditorium, while reminding us that it’s now more important than ever to continue meeting, even if we have to find new ways of doing it.

For the first time in modern history, many Pastors around the world are finding themselves in the position of having to preach to an empty auditorium. What does it feel like to have no crowd?

“A huge part of the art of communication is reading your audience”, says Jeff. “You often allow them to help you decide what direction to take, and particularly to know if your jokes are going over well!”

While an empty auditorium is not ideal, Jeff points out that in a crisis, more people than ever are turning to the church for answers.

“Suffering and illness is not something any of us ever want to see”, continues Jeff. “But we can use these tragedies to teach people to pray, and to point as many people to God as possible.”

Jeff believes it is often seasons of suffering that wakes people up to what really matters. When we are living a life of affluence and peace, it’s very easy to become spiritually lazy. This is the time for the church to lead, and we all need to work together as best we can to defeat this disease.

“We need to find ways of caring for each other, without spreading this disease”, Jeff says. “When our church meets together online, there are 20,000 people coming together at once. We must be good citizens and save lives.”

But Jeff also believes God inspires the church to be ready for what’s coming. God is always preparing the way for the gospel to go out, regardless of the political or social events that are happening around us.

“God does not promise us protection, even when what we are doing is honest and true. People have always been persecuted for the sake of the Gospel”, Jeff continues. “We should come together whenever and however we can, whether it be in a small group, a life group or in our homes watching. But we must continue to honour the sacrifice that Jesus made for us all.”

But Jeff reminds us, there is no guaranteed protection against suffering for doing the right thing. However, he believes we all have a responsibility to do it anyway.

Jeff Vines is heard weekdays on Laif FM

Coronavirus and our Team

In response to our Government’s advice most of our team are staying home this week.  Our radio broadcasts will continue as usual but you won’t hear our usual announcing team.

Now more than ever the leaders of our nation need our prayers of support as the responsibility to lead our nation through these uncertain times falls on their shoulders. There is no handbook to guide them (apart from the Bible) as no one has faced having to make these decisions before.

The reality they face is there are no ‘right’ answers. The government are just trying to choose the least worst answer and for that, and everything, they need to hear from God.

As soon as possible we will get back to normal but in the meanwhile we ask you to continue to follow the recommendations to keep you and your loved ones safe. Click here for the latest information.

The Word for Today

It is great to be out and about with our 2020 copies of The Word for Today. Have you got your copy yet?

On Friday we distributed 7 boxes of The Word for today.

The principal for Brandi Secondary School was very happy to receive a box of 50 copies of The Word for Today for his school. He will make his donation to us soon.

We also delivered 2 boxes to the Inmates in Boram CIS. The Warden officer was very welcoming and very pleased to receive our delivery.

We also delivered a box to Village Inn Hotel and 2 boxes to SSEC church at Wariman.

More deliveries are to be done by the coming week.

Thank you to Pastor Yambe Sike for his support and for driving us and the copies of The Word for Today around.

We pray The Word for Today will bless everyone who reads it – especially you 🙂

Bigger than just PNG

Did you know we are part of a much larger ministry family? UCB PNG has a sister ministry – UCB Solomon Islands.

This week we had the privilege of meeting Taeasi, one of the Board members from UCB Solomon Islands. She was passing through Wewak on her way home from a conference at Mount Hagen so we were able to show her our studios and introduce her to our team.

UCB Solomon Islands hope to begin permanent broadcasts this year in Honiara, Auki, Gihzo and in Munda.

On Outreach Duty


Our team in PNG visited their local prison on Easter Saturday. They brought worship, food and The Word for Today. Initially not many guys turned up so they sent out the message that there was free food. They then had a large group of guys together and were able to share the Gospel (and the food) with them all. They will be going back once the new edition of The Word for Today arrives.

Sensing and seeing God

‘But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit.’ 1 Corinthians 2:10 NKJV The Bible says, ‘“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit.’ (1 Corinthians 2:9–10 NKJV) The Holy Spirit compensates for our sensory limits by enabling us to conceive things we...

Read the signals with your children

‘My children, listen as I teach you to respect the Lord.’ Psalm 34:11 CEV Smithsonian magazine once featured a British master stonecutter named Simon Verity. He restored thirteenth-century cathedrals in Great Britain. As the authors watched him work, they noticed something fascinating. ‘Verity listens closely to hear the song of the stone under his careful blows. A solid strike and all is well....

Stop and ask for directions

‘The Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth.’ John 16:13 NLT Making decisions without seeking God’s guidance is like trying to fly without radar and a compass. You can do what makes sense based on your past knowledge and experience, but what ‘looks right’ can end up destroying what’s most important to you. The Bible says even the most profound human thinking is foolish to God...

Guard against envy and jealousy

‘Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.’ Galatians 5:26 CSB Paul cautioned the early church about envy, and it’s still a problem. Your co-worker gets a raise, the neighbours upgrade their house. Do you rejoice with them, or force a tight smile? We’re human; an occasional flicker of envy is normal. But beware of harbouring a chronic sense of being short-changed....

Growing through criticism

‘If you accept correction, you will be honoured.’ Proverbs 13:18 NLT Solomon said, ‘If you accept correction, you will be honoured.’ Charlie Shedd gives us ten ways to grow through criticism: (1) Criticism is often a compliment. The arrows in daily life strike only those who raise their heads above ground level. Jesus said, ‘Blessed are you when people hate you, when they exclude you, insult...

Don’t be afraid of getting old (2)

‘They shall still bear fruit in old age.’ Psalm 92:14 NKJV Does the thought of getting older depress you, make you anxious, or make you defeatist in your outlook? If so, read this: ‘Those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bear fruit in old age; they shall be fresh and flourishing.’ (Psalm 92:13–14 NKJV) Here is how to stay fresh...

Don’t be afraid of getting old (1)

‘My chosen ones will long enjoy the work of their hands.’ Isaiah 65:22 NIV We live in a society where the beauty or strength of youth is valued more than the wisdom of age. But we don’t have to be victims of that value system. ‘For as the days of a tree, so will be the days of My people; My chosen ones will long enjoy the work of their hands.’ (Isaiah 65:22 NIV) There’s an old saying, ‘Age is an...

What it means to love someone

‘God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.’ 1 John 4:16 ESV In today’s culture, the word ‘love’ means different things to different people. You can love your husband or wife, your country, your dog, your new mobile phone and your house. But you don’t love your husband or wife the same way you love your mobile phone or your house, right? The movie and tv kind...

Are you dealing with relationship problems?

‘For a righteous person falls seven times and rises again.’ Proverbs 24:16 NASB When it comes to handling relationships, we all have our strengths and weaknesses. So to survive and flourish in a relationship, we must learn to persevere. Even when we have done our best to lessen the likelihood of failure, we must still be ready for it. If we stay mired in self-defeat, guilt, and shame over missed...

The gift of confession

‘Walk in love as Christ also has loved us.’ Ephesians 5:2 NKJV Spiritual healing takes place when you’re able to confess your problem to someone mature enough to handle it and committed enough to not give up on you. What does it mean to walk in love? (a) To be confident of God’s unfailing love towards you. (b) To show His love to others. (,) To be able to accept their love in return. Only then...