Don’t Be A Complainer

‘Do everything without complaining.’ Philippians 2:14 NLT Peanuts is a cartoon published in newspapers all around the world. In one cartoon Lucy announces, ‘Boy, do I feel crabby today.’ Her little brother Linus, always the peacemaker, responds, ‘Maybe I can help. Why...

Let Them Go (2)

‘None of them belonged to us.’ 1 John 2:19 NIV There are some people in life we get along with well, and others we don’t. And in some cases, we’re not supposed to! Now let’s be clear: we’re not talking about being unloving, insensitive, or divisive. Paul says, ‘Do...

Let Them Go (1)

‘Pick me up and throw me into the sea.’ Jonah 1:12 NKJV It’s a mistake to cling to someone when God is telling you to let them go. Until you obey God, the storm you’re in will keep getting worse, as in the case of Jonah. The Bible says: ‘The sea was growing more...

God Speaks Through Our Thoughts

‘You have an anointing from the Holy One and you know all things.’ 1 John 2:20 NKJV Have you ever held a conversation with someone in your mind? You took one side of the issue and then the other. So think about this: if you can have a conversation with yourself in...

You Must Show Compassion (3)

‘Having compassion for one another.’ 1 Peter 3:8 NKJV Compassion means ‘to enter into another’s passion’. How can you do that? You might, for example, find out why the other person is so stressed or depressed. What’s preoccupying them, why do they feel so...