Keep listening to Laif FM for news of events to be held around the region….
We are excited that our fundraising committee are looking at some good opportunities to hold movie nights to help raise money for Laif FM’s broadcast.
Want a MoVie NiGhT at your school, youth club, church or village…call, text or visit the station? – Operations Manager, Vitus Parry, will help you. The station has a variety of good movies to show.
Would you like a BaNd or creAtIve DaNCers too?? – Just ask !
The committee are looking at many ways to involve the community, including: Talent Nights, Concerts, food stalls, vegetable-growing-for-support schemes, and several other projects. If you would like to be a volunteer to help with these, please contact Vitus Parry at our Kreer Heights office.
?Fund Raisers:??? Promotional events in market places, villages, as well as visits to churches and schools, will give opportunities for the staff and supporters of Laif FM to generate funds for the station’s operational costs in addition to raising awareness of the broadcast itself and other additional resources available (e.g. “The Word for Today” magazine).
Concerts:?when Wewak is visited by International Artists or local bands?& singers, Laif FM hopes to be able to host concerts. These events will provide opportunities for Christians to introduce their friends to Christ.
Talent Quests: Already a good portion of PNG Christian talent is recording music in a variety of differing styles. Laif FM are keen to find more local singers and musicians, so they are planning Talent Quests to discover artists of the future.
Open House:??? Special “Open House Days” will be planned for listeners to visit the station itself, meet & interact with the staff and learn more about the ministry of Laif FM and UCB PNG.