Give it All You’ve Got!
Ask yourself two questions. First, do I want God’s best? It’s not easy to get up early while others sleep, and prepare for the challenge. Like Jesus in Gethsemane, you’ll discover it’s hard to find people who will stand with you while you’re in preparation. But you won’t celebrating success without preparation. Not everybody can handle success. Some would rather have a peaceful life; they don’t like criticism and they can’t take the pressure. But if you want God’s best, you can have it. If you’ve the passion, the price won’t stop you! You’ll be drawn and driven toward the goal. Second, ask yourself: how strong is my desire? If you don’t have the passion for it, you’ll never overcome the obstacles. Real power comes from desire kindled in the furnace of unfilled longing. Long-distance runners take steady strides and focus on endurance, not just speed. They run each lap, stretch to their limits and give themselves to one thing—winning. Perspiration pours out of them. The taste of exhaustion is in their mouths. As they near the finishing line a final burst of energy kicks in. It’s the last lap. No excuses; it’s now or never! At least one time before they lay you in your casket, you owe it to God and yourself to experience that last-lap feeling of giving it all you’ve got. Victory doesn’t come cheap. Paul writes, ‘...resist the enemy... Stand your ground, putting on the sturdy belt of truth and the body armour of God’s righteousness... be fully prepared... Pray at all times.’ (Ephesians 6:13–18 NLT)